How to create a feature wall

If you have a blank wall in your home and you wish to decorate it without much expense, the ideal option is to create a feature wall with framed pictures. You will need to invest time and effort in this project but it will have very satisfying and pleasing results. You will probably need a few days to complete this but with patience you can make a great addition to your home.


Preparation is important for a well presented feature wall. Choose the wall that you want to create your display on. Ensure that it is clean to begin with as if you are using adhesives; the surface will need to be good for the framed pictures to stay in place. Choose the pictures that you wish to use, concentrating on ones that are clear and impactful. It is a good idea to choose one photograph that you want to make as the focal point, e.g. a group family shot.


Next you need to decide the theme for the feature. Some people like uniformity in their wall features but in my opinion it is nice to go against the grain and embrace distinctiveness. So what I would advise is to mix and match the frames, using wooden frames, aluminium etc. of varying woods and sizes.

How to create a feature wall

Assemble all your photographs in your frames and on the floor close to your intended feature wall, arrange the frames in the order you want them around the main focal point that you chose in the centre. Try to space the pictures out, taking care to not have similar photos alongside each other. For example, two frames beside each other with the same people in both will not look right.


For the next step, you may need some assistance. Measure the wall space you are dealing with, take a note of it. Then measure out the same dimensions on the floor where you laid your frames. This way you will get a clear indication of the spacing’s required. Use some double sided frame specific adhesives (available in most hardware shops and some supermarkets) to attach the pictures to the wall. Et voila, you have created a beautiful feature wall made up of your favourite picture memories.