The most common standard sizes for picture frames are 4x6 inches, 5x7 inches, 8x10 inches, and 11x14 inches. However, there are many other sizes available as well. See here for a list of all our ready made sizes
Picture frames can be made of a variety of materials such as wood, metal, plastic, and even glass. Each material has its own benefits and drawbacks, such as durability and cost. All of the frames we make at Wall Space are made from solid wood, not MDF or plastic which can warp/become brittle with age.
To choose the right size frame for your picture, you should consider the size and proportions of the image, as well as the size of the wall or space where the frame will be displayed. It is generally recommended to leave a small border or ‘mount’ around the image to create visual interest and balance. Measure the dimensions of the artwork and compare them to the dimensions of the frame. You may want to choose a frame that is slightly larger than the artwork, so that the artwork can be properly mounted and displayed.
Hanging a picture frame typically involves using a sawtooth or wire hanger on the back of the frame. For heavy frames, it is recommended to use a wall anchor for added support. All of our ready made frames come complete with Sawtooth Hangers already attached to the backs.
Yes, there are a variety of ways to hang a picture frame without damaging the wall. You can use removable adhesive hooks, or even use a wire or cord to hang the frame from a nail or hook.
Answer 6: Cleaning a picture frame depends on the material of the frame, but in general it is best to use a soft, damp cloth and a mild detergent to gently wipe down the frame. Avoid using abrasive materials or chemicals, as they can damage the frame.

Answer 7: Yes, you can put a picture in a frame with glass. However, it is important to make sure that the picture is not in direct contact with the glass, as this can cause damage over time. Also, you should consider that the glass may cause reflections and glare that can make it harder to see the picture.

Answer 8: Yes, you can change the picture in a frame without damaging it. Simply remove the backing and glass, replace the picture, and reassemble the frame.

Answer 9: It is not recommended to use a frame that has a different aspect ratio than your artwork. A frame with a different aspect ratio will crop the image and may not showcase the artwork as intended.